Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Moving Forward

It has been a busy month for the Dardar's.  We were blessed with a FREE mobile home for our family earlier this month and are in the process of getting it all set up.  This is such a huge blessing because our children feel like they have a place to call home and we don't have to worry about where to go when we come home on stateside from Nicaragua.  This may not seem like a big deal, but to me, it is what I have prayed for.  It has really been a test of patience for us because of all the regulations now set up and the red tape to go through.  By God's grace, we will soon be in it though. 

We are now in the full swing of Friend Raising.  Before our family can leave for the field, we have to have 100% of our monthly budget met.  It is a true test of faith as we seek to go in God's timing and trust that He alone knows all of the details.  My mind and heart are greatly encouraged because we have prayed about prayer partners and God has allowed us to partner up with some truly awesome prayer warriors.  They have graciously come alongside us and seek God on our behalf.  This was another answer to our prayers.  There have been several individuals and a few churches so far who have felt the Lord call them to partner with us financially.  There is still a good way to go to be fully funded, but we know that what we are called to, we will be equipped for.  If you feel led to give financially you can go to and click on "Donate to the Dardars"

Rick and I are reading through a book "Through the Gates of Splendor" by Elisabeth Elliot.  She was the wife of martyred missionary to Ecaudor, Jim Elliot.  We had the opportunity to go there on a mission trip this past July and while reading this book, the words came alive in our imaginations because we have seen the countryside and people first hand.  The love this couple had for the people of Ecuador shows through so vividly.  The call on their lives radiated through, and even though he has been gone for about 50 years, his legacy lives on through sparking the desire for more missionaries to live out the call of missions in Ecuador.  He said that once he heard the call to missions, his whole life was consumed with living out the call.  He also said that if God is calling you, then you cannot ignore it.  What a great privilege to be used in the Kingdom work of our Lord Jesus Christ.  There is no greater calling in this life.  We may never have great wealth or great comforts, but to know that our lives were poured out for the gospel's sake is the greatest accomplishment that I can dream of.  

While I struggle more with leaving behind family than anything else, it is still nothing compared to what was given up for me on the cross.  Jesus left his home in Heaven and was separated from His Father so that man could be reconciled back to Himself.  It was a GREAT sacrifice that He was willing to make so that His creation could be restored.  What do I have to complain about?  This life is a vapor, a flower that fades in the field.  I pray that we all ask what our part is in this life.  It could be that God is calling you and you are refusing to listen.  Before you say that God would never call me to the mission field, ask yourself, have I even asked God what he would have me do? It is easy to get so wrapped up in what we have going on that we can't hear His voice. 

Thank you so much for your prayers.  It is truly a blessing to know that others are praying for us.  We are excited for the future and for who He will choose to partner with us in the coming months.  Here Am I Lord, Send Me!

Until the whole world hears,

Rick and Melanie Dardar
Romans 10:14  

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