We have some very exciting news to share. For several months now, our family has been in the process of switching missions agencies. We got the awesome news on Saturday, August 8th, that we were accepted as missionary candidates with Baptist Medical and Dental Missions International.
This began in our hearts last September when Rick, Melanie and baby Elliot, took a vision trip to Managua, Nicaragua. We stayed in the home of Josh and Laurie Moudy, whom we had never formally met, and spent that week praying and seeking where God would have us serve in that country. We spent a few days speaking to pastors in the area and just visiting with local people. Rick began to feel that God was doing a great work there already and He was in fact, not calling us to work here. Melanie had a Bible study on Wednesday, and from that, God gave us a word. The scripture came from Acts 16:7. "When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the spirit of Jesus would not allow them to." We began to pray where the Holy Spirit would have us work, and at the same time enjoyed our visit with the Moudy family, hearing about the vision which God had given them to do a work on the Eastern Coast of Nicaragua to work with the indigenous people of that area. They shared how they would be moving there and would build a hospital. They also shared that they were praying for help in doing this.
We traveled back home to Mississippi at the end of the week feeling confident that just as God had shut the door for work in Diriamba and Masatepe, that he would also open the door he had for us. We sought the Lord, and felt assurance that he would have us team up with this couple that we just "happened" to meet. Of course, there are no chance meetings, and we were eager to be obedient to this call.
While we loved Reaching & Teaching and the leadership which we believe God had placed us under, after counsel, we realized that two agencies working together to undertake this endeavor might be harder than we thought. So, we started praying about switching to BMDMI. God has been faithful every step of the way to show us where to take the next step. We did not want to just move because it "felt" like the right thing to do, but wanted to make sure of the leading of the Holy Spirit. He has been more than faithful in showing us this was His desire for us. Rick and Melanie met with the personnel committee in June and got the first approval as candidates pending approval by the board. We were eagerly awaiting the news and were so excited when we got the call that they had approved us.
Rick had the opportunity to go to Nepal after the earthquakes in May to work with others in building shelters for the people there. He got to work hands on with others from BMDMI and was able to see the hearts of the leadership. We are thankful God has allowed this to take place as we desire to trust and obey Him completely.
Our family would like to thank those who have faithfully supported us financially and with prayer during this time. We are grateful that God has called some to partner with us so that we may take the gospel to the physically and spiritually sick and hurting in Nicaragua. We are currently at 20% of our monthly budget and almost have enough to pay for language school upon arrival on the field. We will also need about $5600 for tickets to travel to Nicaragua. We ask that you lift this up to the Lord with us, and in His time, we will be serving in Nicaragua.
This was a poem that I read on the day God shut the door for us in working in the Masatepe area:
When I cannot understand my Father's leading,
And it seems to be but hard and cruel fate,
Still I hear that gentle whisper ever pleading,
God is working, God is faithful, ONLY WAIT.
-Streams in the Desert...Sept 24th
Unitl the whole world hears,
Rick and Melanie Dardar
Gabe, Austin, Juliana, Addey, Eamon, Mary-Klaire and Elliot